Chantix has been touted as one of the most effective, if not the most effective, smoking cessation medications on the market today. It tested brilliantly in clinical trials and was therefore rushed through the Food and Drug Administration’s screening process. It entered the market as a presumably safe, effective drug that was poised to help the millions of American smokers break from their unhealthy habit. Chantix works by combating both physical and psychological cravings, unlike many other smoking cessation aids, and is therefore effective for many patients.
Chantix side effects quickly began to manifest in patients, and took the form of serious psychological disturbances – rage, mood swings, aggressive behavior, depression, suicidal thoughts, and other mood and behavioral changes began to take shape in some Chantix patients. A few ended up hospitalized, while others died of successful suicide attempts. Patients who have experienced the serious consequences of Chantix side effects may now be wondering whether or not they will be able to file a Chantix lawsuit and, if so, what their chances are of winning a settlement.
Potential plaintiffs who have any questions in regards to Chantix litigation and filing a lawsuit of their own should first speak to an experienced Chantix lawyer, because each case is different and only an evaluation of a patient’s personal case by an expert can lead to a completely accurate assessment. However, there are a few things that are useful to know in any case.
Both the lawsuit viability and the settlement amount will depend on the nature and severity of a side effect. Plaintiffs who are filing wrongful death lawsuits on behalf of a family member who has committed suicide due to Chantix will most likely get the most valuable settlements. Documentation of the side effect, such as doctors’ notes, police or emergency records, and medical records will most likely need to be provided, as well as proof that the medication was being used in the intended way.
Settlements will be determined by past and future medical expenses related to the condition, wages lost, pain and suffering, et cetera. These will all be taken into consideration during a Chantix lawsuit.
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