Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chantix Violence and Other Side Effects on the Rise

Chantix, the smoking cessation drug, has been linked with increased amounts of side effects, including episodes of violence. This may well lead to Chantix-related lawsuits.

Chantix (also known as varenicline) was approved in the U.S. by the FDA in 2006. Since that time, there have been numerous reports of serious Chantix-related side effects, including depression, abnormal behavior, and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Perhaps the most disturbing report was that of Texas musician Carter Albrecht, who in 2007, experienced a sudden onset of Chantix-related violence and delusions. This led to his shooting death when he attempted to break into his neighbor’s home. This became a highly publicized case, with much media coverage. In its aftermath, the FDA in 2007 reviewed Chantix’s safety, and in 2008, issued an official public safety advisory. It warned that it may be increasingly likely that Chantix may cause serious neuropsychiatric symptoms.
Government Involvement in Chantix Use and Side Effects

Other Chantix-related side effects have contributed to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) decision in 2008 to ban Chantix use by pilots and air traffic controllers. The FAA based its decision on an Institute for Safe Medication Practices report that showed a high rate of incidents of not only Chantix-related violence, but also blackouts, accidents, lack of coordination, and problems working with machinery.

In 2009, the FDA ordered Chantix’s manufacturer, Pfizer, to include a strong “black box” warning on Chantix labels. This was to highlight the strong risk of serious mental health problems that can be caused by Chantix side effects. The FDA warning also noted other serious Chantix-related side effects, such as depression, suicide, violence, mood changes, and hostility.
In July 2011, the FDA further revised the Chantix public safety advisory. A warning was included concerning a risk of “cardiovascular events” from Chantix use. Such heart problems may include heart attack, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, the need for coronary revascularization, as well as vascular disease.

Chantix attorneys must be aware of the serious potential Chantix side effects when consulting with clients and preparing Chantix lawsuits.